Legends of Diversity: Inspiring by Example

Legends of Diversity: Inspiring by Example

One of five Florida legal “Legends”  who “inspired by example, through personal recognition or prowess, and who made a significant lasting contribution to changing historic misperceptions thereby making an easier path for those who came afterwards.” 

Larry’s portrait, commissioned by The Florida Bar Diversity & Inclusion Committee, will be displayed in the Florida Supreme Court throughout its spring term, and then move to the Headquarters of The Florida Bar where it will hang permanently.

I am humbled to be in the company of such great leaders.  The Path to Unity Program recognizes that a small voice, raised with sincerity and persistence, can make a big difference.  If I inspire even one young student to aim higher, find a greater sense of belonging, or find their own voice for change, then all my work will have been worth it.  

Larry D. Smith
Attorney at Law